Monday, May 07, 2007


Enjoying tormenting myself with the more 'interesting' subjects at Uni, I am taking Computer Graphics and visualisation. Which deals with CGI. Unfortuntely its not the Maya or Max side of CGI, but the theory behind it.

Taking a break from revision i thought i would post a link to my first coursework.
This was hand coded in Pov-Ray using a custom Keyframe interpolation script I wrote.

This version is what I submitted getting the very reasonable mark of 95%, Hopefully some time soon when I no exams or other such nonsense to think about I will add the little lamp, if i can discover a cunning way of animating the power cord, without driving myself up the wall hand coding each keyframe.

Some small technical details,

Its Keyframe animation using a custom interpolation script to move between each keyframe.

The only controll points used on the lamp are the Lower arm, Upper Arm, and Head all other positions are derived from these.

The ball is also animated using keyframes, any rotation is generated procedually

The Extra bits like the hinge mechinism drove me up the wall, It automatically updates its position depending on where the two main arms are, calculating where it should be using the unit circle.

The spring also uses this calculation and a bit of Trig to calculate its roatation and length, Extruding a sphere along the curve to give the impression of expansion and contraction.

Anyhow back to Revision.

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